Payment Terms:
All accounts are Net 30 subject to credit check and approval. A finance charge of 1.5% per month isassessed at all balances past due 30 days. This is an Annual Percentage of 18%.
Credit Collection Agreement:
After 90 days and if the matter is placed with an attorney or collection agency forcollection, whether or not suit is brought heron to enforce payment, we agree to pay all costs of collection includingreasonable attorney’s fee.
In consideration of an extension of credit, (we) the undersigned, assume full responsibility for bills incurred as a resultof this application.
I certify that all the information on this form is correct. I fully understand your credit terms and agree for the properpayment in consideration of the credit terms. I understand that Eagle Pharma Outsourcing will update accountinformation on our practice annually and we will be required to fill out the customer account information form whenrequested.
By signing below, I understand that I have applied for my credit with Eagle Pharma Outsourcing. and herby authorizeyou to obtain current credit information related to the below business in order to assist in granting or to confirminformation I have supplied. This information is for the confidential use of Eagle Pharma Outsourcing only.
If you are tax exempt, we must have a copy of your exemption certificate for our files. A photographic or facsimile of this authorization may be deemed to be the equivalent of the original and may be usedas a duplicate original.