1. These compounded preparations may only be administered to the patient for which the medication was prescribed, and may not be sold to any other. These compounded preparations may only be administered to the patient for which the medication was prescribed, and may not be sold to any other person or entity. When the compounded preparation is administered, physician agrees to indicate on the patient’s medical chart the lot number and beyond-use date (BUD) of the preparation used. The drugs may only be administered by an individual authorized by law to administer the drugs.
2. Physician is licensed in the same state as Practice.
3. Prescribers must acknowledge a patient assessment and diagnosis is required prior to initiating a pre-printed order in accordance with the prescriber's scope of practice, in accordance with OAC 4729:5-3-12.
4. If Physician terminates relationship with Practice, Physician will immediately notify Pharmacy the date of termination.
5. Please note that per OAC 4729:5-5-12(B)(2) , a prescriber's practice location is required for outpatient prescriptions:
(2) Contain the manually printed, typewritten, or preprinted full name, professional title, and address of the prescriber. The prescriber's address shall include the physical address of the prescriber's practice location.
6. Prescribers must acknowledge the requirement to document - (1) patient assessment, (2) diagnosis and (3) the drugs shall be administered by an individual authorized by law to administer the drugs:
Defined in Ohio Administrative Code Rules - 4729:5-3-12 Protocols and pre-printed orders for medication administration and 4729:5-3-12 Protocols and pre-printed orders for medication administration.